Some days I feel like a dried-up weed, tired and stringy-nerved.
Some days I get tired of headaches.
Some days I am acutely, uncomfortably, aware of the times in which we are living.
Some days I step through what is a promising opening in the trees, am met with a disappointing field of dirt on the other side, and
Some days I am left thinking that that just might be the metaphor for Life.
But on these some days, I remind myself of what the cure for these some days is - a little prayer, a little food, a little sleep. So I honor this triumvirate, partaking of each part, and when I have awoken my spirit is refreshed and the world seems brighter, and I wonder why I ever skip one, or two, or, some days, all three parts.
Some days you get a bit too uncomfortably close to how I'm feeling!
i'm just gonna say it...i think this is my favorite of your posts yet. fantastic.
Great post!
...although I must say that traipsing through strange forests looking for fields full of dandelions and butterflies is probably not going to be the most rewarding endeavor
(...or at least not in Kansas anwyay. Have you been through all three forests yet?)
Eric - Isn't it comforting (and sometimes mildly irritating) to know that others are going through exactly the same things?
Julia - Thank you! And to think I very nearly didn't publish it...
Robbio - Robbio, Robbio.
Bless your heart, Jo :)
Sigh... I completely understand what you are saying.
Joanna! Can we still get together sometime when I will actually have time to sit down and learn from you and talk with you? :) I'm so honored you came and were a part of our day, it meant so much! :) Love you!
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