Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Chinese fortune cookie came with no fortune today.

This, I've decided, can mean one of three things: First, that my future is so dull that nothing in it is worth mentioning; Second, that it contains things so horrific I shouldn't be burdened with the foreknowledge of them; or Third, that my indecisive and nomadic nature has thoroughly confused even the Chinese fortunes. I like to think I've accomplished the last one.

Chinese fortunes aside, I hope that whatever my future, it will always include a window with a pretty view.


stitchinmimi said...

Or fourth . . . your best fortune yet is stuck in the machine because it's broken! Too bad!

Robbio said...

Sure it wasn't in invisible ink?

Buster said...

Next time you will receive two fortunes.

....However, they will be conflicting fortunes, thus confusing you even further.